Warner Creek Board Meeting
June 8, 2023
Call to order
Attendance: Chris, Megan, John, Bob, Anh, Colleen, Larry (Resident), Stacey Sherrille (Compass)
Larry Pearlstein
Fee Fines Policy discussion, discussion about sign policy. Larry will send documentation to the board.
Approval of previous meeting minutes
Previous meeting minutes approved.
Presidents report
Discussion regarding how and when motions are brought back up.
Committees Updates
Treasurer -- Colleen/Stacey
No major outstanding financial matters to discuss
Colleen - we need a motion to add to the budget room for weedkiller for the South Park
Bob makes motion to approve $500
Colleen seconds
Bob amends - add $250 for mosquito spray for the park (prior to August 5th event)
Bob - motions to approve $750
Colleen seconds
Motion unanimously approved
ABR – John
No recent construction applications
Residential issues with parked trailers
Welcome – Megan
No significant updates, welcome bags being delivered to new members
Activities – Megan
New events
Parks – (Bob)
New Business
Anh - Five members is not enough for unbiased decisions
7 or 9 is better
Less than 10 so that a majority can be reached relatively quickly
John - concerns about non-votes holding up process
Leave voting open for 10 days to prevent people from being blocked out of voting (due to quick majority being reached)
Colleen - larger groups can get unruly in public setting
Megan - not opposed to larger group, sees the argument on both sides
Smaller group means people can be left out of voting if majority is very quickly reached
Chris - larger group prevents sharp skewing, we had a very large interest list in ABR specifically
Concerned people could lie and misrepresent their intent during selection process
Bob - Likely not to be any more fair at 7 vs 5
Stacey - vetting process that Anh mentioned is a great selection
Quick Google Form/quiz about bylaw knowledge
Anh motions to revise the size of the ABR to 7
Chris seconds
Colleen - it makes sense to first do the candidate outreach and then vote on this later, once we have a definite number of qualified candidates
Motion tabled
Selection process
Bob proposed via email to drop Zoom requirement
Google Form was built in real time
Fence Policy
Current Fence Policy
Information from legal
Fence policy proposed by John sent to legal
Community input
Summer meeting schedule discussion
Meeting is adjourned