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Warner Creek Board Meeting

June 8, 2023


Call to order

Attendance: Chris, Megan, John, Bob, Anh, Colleen, Larry (Resident), Stacey Sherrille (Compass)

Larry Pearlstein

Fee Fines Policy discussion, discussion about sign policy. Larry will send documentation to the board.

Approval of previous meeting minutes

Previous meeting minutes approved.

Presidents report

Discussion regarding how and when motions are brought back up.

Committees Updates

  • Treasurer -- Colleen/Stacey

    • No major outstanding financial matters to discuss

    • Colleen - we need a motion to add to the budget room for weedkiller for the South Park

      • Bob makes motion to approve $500

        • Colleen seconds

      • Bob amends - add $250 for mosquito spray for the park (prior to August 5th event)

      • Bob - motions to approve $750

        • Colleen seconds

        • Motion unanimously approved

  • ABR – John

    • No recent construction applications

    • Residential issues with parked trailers

  • Welcome – Megan

    • No significant updates, welcome bags being delivered to new members

  • Activities – Megan

    • New events

  • Parks – (Bob)

New Business


  • Size

    • Anh - Five members is not enough for unbiased decisions

      • 7 or 9 is better

      • Less than 10 so that a majority can be reached relatively quickly

    • John - concerns about non-votes holding up process

      • Leave voting open for 10 days to prevent people from being blocked out of voting (due to quick majority being reached)

    • Colleen - larger groups can get unruly in public setting

    • Megan - not opposed to larger group, sees the argument on both sides

      • Smaller group means people can be left out of voting if majority is very quickly reached

    • Chris - larger group prevents sharp skewing, we had a very large interest list in ABR specifically

      • Concerned people could lie and misrepresent their intent during selection process

    • Bob - Likely not to be any more fair at 7 vs 5

    • Stacey - vetting process that Anh mentioned is a great selection

      • Quick Google Form/quiz about bylaw knowledge

    • Anh motions to revise the size of the ABR to 7

      • Chris seconds

      • Colleen - it makes sense to first do the candidate outreach and then vote on this later, once we have a definite number of qualified candidates

      • Motion tabled

  • Selection process

    • Bob proposed via email to drop Zoom requirement

    • Google Form was built in real time

Fence Policy

  • Current Fence Policy

  • Information from legal

  • Fence policy proposed by John sent to legal

  • Survey

  • Community input

Summer meeting schedule discussion

Meeting is adjourned

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"Two areas [in Warner Creek] are served from a different electrical circuits. This is likely due to the subdivision either being built in phases, or because of the configuration of the electrical system at the time, it made the most send to feed a portion of the subdivision from one circuit, while bringing power in to the other side from the closest circuit that bumped up to that portion.

The red portion of the subdivision experienced multiple day outages during the ice/wind/heavy snow storms on February 22nd and March 3rd due to damage to equipment caused by trees falling into the wires that provide power to that portion of the subdivision. Over 800,000 DTE customers were impacted by outages during those days and the primary cause was downed wires caused by trees breaking and falling into the equipment. While the issue didn’t occur exclusively within the subdivision, the power lines that feed the subdivision were compromised.

The west portion did not experience an outage during that weather because it is served from a different circuit. On March 25th, it likely experienced an outage when the other portion of the subdivision did not. This was caused by tree interference of equipment during high winds/storm by trees outside of DTE’s right of way. An additional outage was experienced on April 4th due to a downed power line, again not impacting the other portion of the subdivision.

In looking at the last 12 months, while outages have not occurred at the same time, the experience is similar. Both the blue and red sections have both experienced 3 sustained outages in the last 12 months. These are outages lasting longer than 5 minutes. All of the outages in the red sections have occurred during days when DTE has been in a declared storm and due to tree interference of equipment.

To improve reliability, the circuit serving the blue section – CROWN9832 – received full circuit maintenance tree trimming in 2022. This was likely a contributor to have not experienced any outage during the February 22nd and March 3rd Ice/Wind/Snow storms.

The circuit serving the red section – YORK0303 – received equipment upgrades at 6 location and spot tree trimming at 34 locations in May 2021. Additionally, the circuit is tentatively scheduled to have full maintenance tree trimming completed in 2024.

Hopefully this information is helpful and can explain the differences in the outage days."

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Attendance: Bob, John, Eric, Megan, Chris, Stacey (Compass)

  • Bob motions to set annual fees to $250 for this year

    • Costs have risen beyond last year, rapid inflation

    • Eric seconds

    • John suggests raising it an additional $25

    • Eric is concerned about the annual meeting not reaching quorum, with the absence of the discount

    • Chris wants to see if we can afford the $25 discount in light of the new Compass contract

    • Vote:

      • For: Bob, John, Eric, Megan

      • Opposed: Chris

    • Motion is approved

    • May 1st will be due date

  • Annual Meeting tentatively May 4th

    • (3/16 Post-meeting note - Pittsfield Charter Township was unavailable on 5/4. The annual meeting is now planned to be held on 5/17).

    • Bob: Road construction presentation, asking if someone can research construction projects over the next year

      • John: Chris ask clerk’s office showing presentation on construction

      • Eric will reach out to Washtenaw Road Commission

    • Mention trash-can concealment policy

    • Research proposal for concrete sound barrier along Michigan Ave

Committees Updates

  • Treasurer -- Colleen

  • ABR – John

    • Stacey mentions that homeowner is requesting fence due to safety issue, proposes that this is a board issue and not ABR

  • Welcome -- Megan

    • New resident, flyers, welcome packages

  • Activities -- Megan

    • More updates closer to all of the events

  • Parks (Bob)

    • Bob helped move branches that fell

    • Kids stood on toddler swings, broke, Compass took care of fix request

Approval of previous meeting minutes

  • Bob motions, John seconds, voted for unanimously

Meeting adjourned by board

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Warner Creek Homeowners Association

2021 Chamberlain Creative

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