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Hello everyone,

Thank you all for showing up, whether virtually or in-person, to participate in the annual meeting. I think it is safe to say that it went well! Some quick updates:

Here is a link to the Zoom recording. Due to a license limit, this will only be available for 150 days. The password is wc2022!!

The next board is:

Bob Stanfield

John Baublit

Megan Cloustin

Anh Le

Colleen O'Toole

Stacey Page

Eric Walline

Liz Jones

Chris McDonald

Thank you all for voting! Note that specific positions (treasurer, president, vice president, secretary, ABR chair) are voted on at the first board meeting, which must be within ten days of today.

Moving forward, our top priority is to both ensure that the bylaws are being followed by all homeowners, and to guide Warner Creek in the direction that the homeowners (and NOT the board) wants. We will look into a survey - sent out to all households- that covers a range of issues that have been hotly debated over the last few years. If you have any suggestions for what to put on a survey, please send me a quick email!

Something I have learned in life is that it's not healthy to let issues build up over time without addressing them. I would encourage you to please talk to us if you do have any issues, rather than wait for the next annual meeting. Any issues or concerns can either be sent through Compass, or to Bob or myself directly at and If you want to join a board meeting, please let me know - all board meetings are open to all residents.

Thanks everyone for a great evening.


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We had 7 persons attend a strategy session regarding the south park bridge. 3 board members were present (Chris, John, Bob) and 4 residents. We reviewed the site and the options and decided that option 4 was preferred.

It should be noted that two of the homeowners were opposed to building any sort of bridge in the South Park, however the rest generally supported a bridge. They recommended that we survey the community at the annual meeting.

South Park Bridge


#1 Hire Contractor to install pedestrian bridge. Approximate cost $20,000

#2 Install Culvert. Backfill soil over the top. Approximate cost – Unknown

#3 Contractor does site prep, which includes removing vegetation, leveling the area and installing the foundations. Homeowners assemble the bridge. Cost less than $10,000

#4 Homeowners install entire bridge. This includes site prep with skid steer and tree removal, along with foundation installation. Approximate cost $5,000.

#5 Install temporary bridge using 5 gal buckets and concrete as foundations. Cost less than $300. See how much use it gets.

#6 Do nothing. Trails will end at creek. Cost = $0.00

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Hello everyone, below is the information for the annual meeting:

- The meeting is on Monday, June 13th at Pittsfield Township hall; check-in is at 6:30 PM.

- The link to join the Zoom meeting is here: - Upon joining, you will be asked to enter a password. The password is wc2022 - If you don't have a computer available to you, you can call 1-646-876-9923 from any phone, and enter the meeting ID 981 5223 0034 - When you join, you will be muted. Please remain muted for the duration of the meeting to reduce background noise. We will allow for questions at the end of the meeting, at which point you can unmute to ask when called upon, or post a question in the text chat. - When you join, you'll be able to click on the Chat button to open the chat. Please do this, then select me (Chris McDonald) from the dropdown, and send me your name & address so we can mark you as having attended. The interface will look like this:

- Unless any technical issues arise, the intent is to record the meeting and post it on the website afterward, at . Keep in mind that the only way for attendance to count is to join the meeting as it is live. (And this is the part where I congratulate you for finding the blog!) Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! - Chris

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Warner Creek Homeowners Association

2021 Chamberlain Creative

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