Board of Directors
The WCHA Board of Directors is made up of a group of volunteers who are striving to make our subdivision a premier place to live. We are always open to suggestions. A homeowner can join the board of directors at the annual meeting.
For Beautification Committee inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
WCHA Contact Information
Warner Creek Homeowners Association
c/o Compass Management
46099 Five Mile Rd.
Plymouth, MI 48170
WCHA Community Bylaws
WCHA ARB Construction Request Form
$250/year. Normally billed in March and due by April 1st.
You can pay via check or credit card through your Compass Portal.
Garbage Day
Garbage pick up is on Mondays. If garbage day falls on a Federal holiday, garbage pick-up will be on Thursday. Recycling is picked up every Monday. Another option to remove excess recycling or large trash items is through Pittsfield Township, vouchers are available for additional recycling needs or the disposal of large items.
Please remember to bring your garbage cans in promptly, according to current Pittsfield ordinance (Ord. No. 87, § 4, eff. 9-24-1975) trash cans should not be placed at the curb earlier than 6 pm the night before garbage day and should be removed by 6 pm the night of garbage day. Please keep your trash in a sealed container or packaged, tied securely to conform to Township trash policies.
The WCHA bylaws require garbage cans to be concealed when not by the road for garbage pick-up, please be considerate to your neighbors and hide your trash cans. A white utility fence has been approved by the ARB for use to conceal your trash cans by your home, it can be purchased from Lowe's (Barrette 46-in x 32-in White Vinyl Fence Panel: Item # 41009, as of 4/2015); you can also choose to use natural vegetation to conceal the trash cans. If you have another solution to concealing your trash cans, please submit it to the WCHA Board of Directors or the ABR for approval. For more information regarding garbage day and Recycling, please see: https://www.pittsfield-mi.gov/397/Rubbish-Recycling
Recycling Options
Recycling pick up is every Monday, a recycling can is provided free of charge. The Ann Arbor Recycle Center also accepts many items; at times there is a nominal fee based on the type or amount of material being dropped off. Another option to remove excess recycling is through Pittsfield Township, vouchers are available for additional recycling needs or the disposal of large items. Please see the following link for acceptable recycling materials: https://www.pittsfield-mi.gov/DocumentCenter/View/106/Recycling-Material-Guidelines?bidId=
Toxic Waste Disposal
Please do not pour toxics down household drains, down a storm drain or dispose of in your trash. Washtenaw County offers a disposal service. The Home Toxics Reduction Center offers a drop-off site where residents can dispose of a variety of home toxins. You can call the hotline number at 734-222-3950 to make arrangements for drop off.
Architecture Review / Fences
Please see the WCHA Bylaws and ARB Amendment as found on the WCHA website for architecture and fence guidelines. All proposals (including decks, patios, and fences) must be submitted and approved by the ARB, please complete the ARB request form (found here) with your proposal. Any work performed is to be exactly shown/described in the plan approved by the ABR, failure to comply with the approved plan will result in the request to remove the work from the property. Warner Creek Homeowners Association strives to be a fence free community.
Basketball Hoops
Movable basketball hoops may only be used on the Owner's driveway. Movable basketball hoops should not be used or kept on the Cul-de-sac islands.
No Recreational vehicles, such as but not limited to campers, motorized homes, snowmobiles, boats and boat trailers, should not be parked in any driveway or on any street for more than 72 hours. Recreational vehicles on any lot for more than 72 hours must be suitably housed in an enclosed structure (owner's garage), recreational vehicles are not to be kept in the homeowner's yard. No motor vehicles of any kind shall be parked on any street, or in any driveway or yard, for more than one week in a non-operating and/or non-licensed condition.
Reporting Violations
When a Homeowner or resident wants to report a violation on the bylaws or has a concern in regards to the subdivision, a description of the infraction must be submitted in writing (mail or email) to Compass Management. The matter will then be reviewed by Compass Management and the Board of Directors.