Attendance: Chris, Bob, Megan, Anh, Colleen, Liz, John, Eric
Bob moves to accept current board positions as they were elected in September
Bob - President
Anh - Vice President
Colleen - Treasurer
Chris - Secretary
John - ABR Chair
All vote yes
Liz will chair welcoming committee
Megan volunteers to help
Megan will chair activities committee
John, Eric, Anh, Megan, Stacey
Will follow up with Stacey
Parks Committee - Bob will chair
Stacey Sherrille has a sign-up sheet
Code of Ethics - members to sign this and send it to Bob
Clarification on Robert’s Rules of Order
Someone motions
Another person seconds
“POINT OF ORDER” means to switch back to on-topic discussion
Bob motions to approve first Wednesday of each month to be the day of week to meet
Unanimous vote
Bob motions to approve to move regular meetings to every other month, starting in July
Discussion - John and Chris want flexibility in case if urgent issues come up
Chris - we can conduct more business over email,
Chris seconds motion
Unanimously accepted
Motion rescinded because July isn’t great for some members
Bob motions to have next board meeting in August
Unanimously approved
Wednesday August 3rd at 6:30 PM
Discussion regarding next meeting agenda
Colleen suggests having to have at least two people propose items for agenda
Unanimously approved
Resident discussion, discussion on how to best contact Compass
Contract says to have one primary point of contact
Bob will be CC’ed between any other HOA member and Stacey so he’s in on the loop as the primary point of contact
Chris motions to approve of June monthly meeting minutes
Bob seconds
Unanimously approved (Megan didn’t vote)