Annual Meeting Minutes May 9, 2024
Call Business Meeting To Order: 7:05 pm
Roll Call: Quorum Met
Board Members Present: Bob, Anh, John, Megan, Colleen, Chris
Compass Management Present: Stacey Sherrille & Mike Taig
Proof Of Notice Of Meeting: Members Raised Hands Noting Meeting Notice
Owners Present: 104 Members Present In Person, Proxy & Via Zoom
1. Secretary Report: Chis read the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes, made motion to
approve; Bob seconded motion; All In Favor.
2. Pittsfield Township Representation Guest speakers were present; Ritchie
Coleman, Fire Chief & Assistant Fire Chief were present as well as Deputy Police
Chief. Discussion took place regarding crime trends and moving away from crime
mapping. Pittsfield Township will be joining ever-bridge which will replace Nixle. All
residents recommended to sign up for latest crime updates and Pittsfield Township
Notices. Currently there are forty-two uniformed officers in Pittsfield Township with
two additional officers being added to cover retirement of officers. There is
currently a traffic safety unit and Warner Creek will receive extra patrol due to the
many road closures and repairs slated this year. Discussion regarding road
closures on Platt Rd. and Michigan Ave. Reminders regarding fire prevention took
place. New arial equipment has been added to the fire fleet. Strong
encouragement for residents to contact 911 if they do not know how to handle fires
or need emergency assistance. Reminder to all residents to visit the Pittsfield
Township website and monthly bulletin for updates.
3. Presidents Report: Bob Stanfield thanked the community for coming together this
year and helping neighbors who’s homes were destroyed by a fire this year. Brief
discussion on how well the current board has worked together on updating and
creating policies that are for the good of the community. Bob thanked John Baublit
for his years of service to the Board of Directors on behalf of the community.
4. ABR Committee: Anh mentioned the new Fence Policy, Egress Window and
Generator Policy. New chair members for the ABR Committee were appointed this
year. Reminder that generators needs ABR approval due to 15ft clearance which is
needed for safety. Egress windows must be installed by licensed professional and
also will need approval from ABR. Fence policy has an extensive policy and
guidelines which were mailed to all members and posted on the website.
5. Activities: Megan Kloustin welcomed all new residents to the community. Thanked
all her fellow volunteers for helping with community events. Upcoming events are
listed on the website and portal. Events will be garage sale, food trucks will star the
23rd of May, first week there will be two trucks. Food trucks every other week after
that through the end of summer. This year there will be extended the hours for
food trucks from 5-8pm. Also working on summer party and fall festival and cookie
and coco party.
6. Washtenaw County Roads: Colleen O’Toole updated members on transportation
issues with Washtenaw County, Stacey to email report to all homeowners.
Notify-me will provide a status of closures which will change frequently so all
residents should sign up for regular updates. Notify-me app is essential to sign up
for up to date alerts.
7. Landscape / Low Hanging Branches: Chris McDonald asked residents to please
keep up on landscaping and trim branches.
8. Trash Container Policies: John Baublit discussed snow removal reminders. Also
reminded resident to park cars in driveway or garage so roads can be cleared
accordingly during winter months. Noted issues with sidewalks and stated residents
should not walk in streets but do so because many of the sidewalks are dangerous.
If sidewalk is a hazard, please have replacements or leveled. Reminder of policies
to conceal trash cans. The new policy and guidelines are compromises to outside
storage and a mod-request should be submitted for approval. John wants to
recognize colleagues on board and has mentioned that he enjoyed working with
9. Election: Candidates introduced themselves to the community. Inspectors of the
Election were appointed, election began. Individuals voted on the board for the
2024 Election were: Bob, Anh, Chris, Megan, Colleen, Sarah and Noel
10. Open Questions: Open questions and discussion took place regarding the
following; Community Policies, Sidewalk Repairs/Bulk Pricing, Park Updates,
Bridge Construction To Parks, Harassment Of Neighbors, Updates To Website and
11. Adjournment: Bob motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:57; All In Favor