Note: These are unconfirmed until the next time the board meets; in the interest of transparency and timeliness we will begin posting unconfirmed meeting minutes on this blog.
—5/15/24 – Minutes
Started at 7:15pm
Noel Quiton
Megan Kloustin
Anh Le
Chris McDonald
Sarah Fabian
Bob Stanfield
Had introductions – two new members Noel and Sarah.
Discussed Code of Conduct – All agreed to acknowledge the code of conduct via email. Chris already signed his.
Election by unanimous vote the board was elected:
Chris – President
Megan – Vice President
Bob – Secretary
Colleen (via text message) – Treasurer
Committee chair appointments:
Courtney Crawford – Welcoming
Anh – ABR
Megan – Activities
Bob – Parks
ABR – Noel voiced her desire to be on the ABR. Since the ABR is fixed at 5 members, Megan stepped down and we voted Noel onto the ABR. The ABR remains fixed at 5 members.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm.