Meeting Minutes
Nov 2, 2022
Call to order
Attendance: Chris, Bob, John, Megan, Colleen, Anh
Missing: Eric
(Liz and Stacey resigned)
Bob motions to approve meeting minutes in September, John seconds
No discussion
Passes unanimously.
Discussion with legal RE: fences - Compass wants to meet with legal to discuss the legal limits, ramifications, process, etc, for updating bylaws surrounding fences
Nobody is opposed to this meeting
Bob will tentatively schedule for middle of December
Finalize sign policy via email
Committees Updates
Treasurer -- Colleen
No significant updates
Future agenda item to address - $25 discount for annual meeting
As previously discussed, legal basis is that the rebate needs to go away
Compass is largest expenditure
ABR – John
No updates
Welcome -- Megan
No updates
Activities -- Megan
Fall festival went really well, food guesstimate was very accurate
Activities committee will look at the results of the survey to see where to spend efforts
Parks (Bob)
Resident asked for swing for disabled kids - Bob is working with Compass on this
New Business
Review of compass management’s performance.
Bob: This isn’t an immediate vote to end our relationship with Compass, but is the initial discussion. If we find we don’t want to go in this direction, we would have to develop a plan to pull out of this agreement.
ABR process is much easier than before.
Compass isn’t very responsive
Status letter debacle (Compass overcharging for status letter)
Hasn’t been on board without Compass, so looking at this through limited lens
From resident survey, supermajority of residents who interact with Compass had their issues resolved
The cost analysis of Compass isn’t accurate to Chris
For example, not having to pay legal fees was previously cited as a reason to go with Compass, but if we were in legal trouble, we’d still have to pay legal fees
Bottom line: from surveys, far fewer residents voiced support for Compass than against Compass.
We’re going against the will of Warner Creek
Cost of Compass is questionable, but a management company is still a benefit moving forward.
Compass takes their time getting reimbursements out
Financial reporting
ABR approval process, record keeping
Collected delinquent dues
We receive good advice
Compass was recommended by Warner Creek’s own attorney
Areas that need to be improved:
Site visits need to be reported to Warner Creek Board
Need to know what bylaws are being violated
Return phone calls and emails
Need to know what residents are being fined
What board needs to do:
Give list of things to Compass to improve
Devote more time to bridge the gap between self management and third party management
Give Compass one more year with list of things to improve on
The fact that most people didn’t interact with Compass means we don’t necessarily need them in the first place
Megan things that 32% of residents not feeling their issue was resolved is a negative
Reimbursements do take forever, problematic for Board members who have to front the cost of events/etc with their own finances
Leans towards no
Compass is effective at mailing out communication
Assists in evenly enforcing bylaws
Reduced delinquencies to zero dollars
Calling contractors is a huge time investment, Compass doing this reduces a lot of work for the board
Bob tried to get the playground fixed for years, Compass finally helped get it done
Ensured we’re following a legally sound process for voting at annual meetings
Reimbursement timing is unacceptable
Neighbors not hearing from Compass is unacceptable
Stacey Sherille is the only person we talk to - if she’s out, we have no point of contact
Summarizes everyone’s thoughts, proposes that we proceed for another year
During this year, we evaluate Compass quarterly
9 months from now, we definitively decide on a plan moving forward
The contract isn’t a yearly contract, the only requirement is a 3 month notice
Colleen: Willing to continue, if we evaluate after Q1 2023, and not 9 months from now
Chris agrees
Megan volunteers to take on the work of researching management company alternatives
Next Annual meeting is going to be in April
We’ll have a go vs. no go prior to April
Need to draft a list of deficiencies to send to Compass, send to Compass, then evaluate in February
Bob asks each board member to write to him several areas where Compass falls short, so we can send to Compass
Colleen, John and Bob will have meeting with Stacey with expectations
December board meeting will still happen, will evaluate survey results
John wants to send out guidelines on construction for trash concealment